Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS logoAPECS is excited to announce the start of a new term on 1 October 2021. And with this we have the pleasure of announcing a new APECS Leadership!


ExCom 2021 2022

APECS Executive Committee 2021-2022:

APECS’ 15th Executive Committee (ExCom) is now in place and ready to continue to shape the polar world.

  • Marta Moreno Ibáñez (University of Québec in Montreal, Canada)
  • Gwenaëlle Gremion (Institut des Sciences de la Mer - Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada)
  • Deniz Vural (Polar Research Institute, The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey)
  • Mathieu Casado (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Susana Hancock (University of Oxford, USA)

They have been elected by the members of the 2020-2021 APECS Council to form the ExCom, the main leadership body of APECS. Clare Eayrs (United Arab Emirates), Jilda Caccavo (Germany) and Meghan Helmberger (United States) will serve as ex-officios and support the new ExCom over the coming year.

More information on the APECS 2020-2021 Executive Committee can be found here.

APECS President 2021-2022:

With a new term, comes a new president: This year Marta Moreno Ibáñez will be taking on this role! 

Marta Moreno Ibáñez ExCom 202122Marta has an interdisciplinary background with bachelor degrees in psychology, social work and environmental sciences, and a master degree in human rights. Originally from Spain, she has traveled the world quite a bit before she moved to Canada in 2016. Here, Marta is currently working on her PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Québec in Montréal (UQÀM) where she studies and simulates polar lows, which are intense maritime storms that develop at high latitude regions. 

Marta joined the APECS Council in 2019 and has been Group Leader of the last two IPCC group reviews organized by APECS and partners.While Marta has been temporary ExCom member during the last term, this is her first full year in ExCom and she says:

“It is an honour and a privilege to take on the role of APECS President for this new term! My experience in APECS has been very rewarding in terms of both career and personal development, and I have incredibly enjoyed working with APECS colleagues. I am amazed at the fact that, despite our different cultural and professional backgrounds, we can work together as a strong team towards a common goal.

I will do my best to ensure that this organisation continues to excel at supporting early career scientists. With this remarkable new ExCom, Council leadership, and everyone involved in project groups, as well as the invaluable work of the Directorate, I am sure this new term will be as great as the previous one!”


 APECS Council 2021-2022:

The APECS Council structure has been revised and approved by the Council in August 2021. Following this, the Council consists of the Council Leadership, National Committee Representatives and Project Group members.

At the start of the 2021-2022 term, the APECS Council is made up of 71 members from 28 countries, including representatives from 23 National Committees.

Council Leadership:

  • Council Chairs: José Queirós (Portugal), Priyanka Rajput (India), Ryan O'Hara (United States)
  • National Committee Coordinators: Hugo Guímaro (Portugal), Lei Geng (China), Manasi Debnath (India)
  • Social Media Coordinators: Anika Happe (Germany), Lina Madaj (Netherlands), Nadine Steiger (Norway), Sakshi Mankotia (India)

Project Group Leaders:

Alexandra Filippova (Germany), Alexis Geels (Belgium), Anastasia Deyko (Peru), Arnab Paul (India), Azamat Tolipov (Uzbekistan), Chloe Scott (Canada), Élise Devoie (Canada), Fizza Maryam (Pakistan), Hiral Jain (India), Jack Buckingham (United Kingdom), Jolanta Rieksta (Denmark), Juliana Souza-Kasprzyk (Poland), Katharina Heinrich (Iceland), Kirsi Keskitalo (United Kingdom), Lauren Thompson (Canada), Lina Madaj (Netherlands), Ljuba Günther (Germany), Maciej Mańko (Poland), Meghan Helmberger (United States), Nicholas Parlato (United States), Olivia Noeline Fernando (India), Rajeev Rajak (India), Sergio Raez Villanueva (Canada), Stanislav Ksenofontov (United States), William Harcourt (United Kingdom)

National Committee Representatives:

APECS Argentina: Alfredo Costa, APECS Belgium: Maaike Dhondt and Marianna Pinzone, APECS Brazil: Raphael Fernandes Vieira, APECS Canada: Élise Devoie, APECS China: Biao Tian and Lei Geng, APECS Colombia: Dalia C. Barragán-Barrera and Jhon Mojica, APECS Denmark: Maria Scheel, APECS France: Adrien Wehrlé, APECS Germany: Alexandra Zuhr and Marek Muchow, APECS Iceland: Barbara Neubarth and Negar Ekrami, APECS Luxembourg: Jill Diederich, APECS Netherlands: Rúna Magnússon, APECS Norway: Erin Kunisch and Maaike Weerdesteijn, APECS Oceania: Rebecca Duncan, APECS Portugal: Hugo Guímaro and Joana Fragão, APECS Russia: Tatiana Burmenko, APECS South Africa: Heather Forrer, APECS Spain: Julia Garcia de Oteyza de Ciria and Paula De Castro-Fernández, APECS Switzerland: Amy Macfarlane and Nicolas Jullien, APECS Turkey: Doğaç Baybars Işıler, APECS Uruguay: Marcos Tassano, Indian Polar Research Network: Shaakir Shabir Dar, USAPECS: Erika Schreiber and John Read

More information on the APECS 2020-2021 Council can be found here.

The Project Groups and their members will be announced soon.

Once again, we thank the many APECS leaders that have come before us and have helped guide and foster many of those serving today! We look forward to another year with the projects that are currently underway, and continue to look for more ways that we can improve and expand this organization and assist early career polar researchers around the world.


Map of APECS Leadership 2021-2022


APECS Leadership 2021 2022

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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