The second UKPN career skills workshop, organised by Dr Claudia Halsband-Lenk (PML) and Angelika Renner (BAS/UEA), took place on the 12-13th October 2009. Kindly hosted by Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), the event saw thirty three early career researchers fomr the UK, Norway, Iceland, France, Greece, and even Ururguay come together at the Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club for two days of lectures, discussions, and practical workshops centered around Arctic marine Sciences. Fifteen senior scientists and mentors from six institutions and organisations provided their time and offered excellend talks and advice.
After introductions to PML, UKPN and APECS, Dr Warwick Vincent, director of the Centre d'études nordiques (CEN) at Laval University in Québec, presented the keynote lecture about climate change and ecosystem collapse in high Arctic Canada. Other speakers included Dr Cynan Ellis-Evans, who introduced the NERC Arctic Office, Dr Steve Rowland (University of Plymouth), and Mike Kendall (PML), among others. A different view of the changing Arctic environment was presented by Antony Jinman, polar explorer, who introduced his education work with students on Baffin Island. (Check out what Antony wrote about the event!)
The morning talks were followed by break out sessions in the afternoon. In small groups, the early career researchers had the opportunity to discuss topics, such as education and outreach in schools or how to get funded, with the mentors. More hands on sessions included the analysis of a sea ice proxy in Arctic sediments and a tour around PML and the mesocosm experimental facilities.
On Monday evening, the early career researchers were joined by Dr Steve de Mora (CEO of PML), Dr Vincent, Antony Jinman, Dr Simon Belt (University of Plymouth) and other mentors on board the Spirit of Plymouth for a cruise on Plymouth Sound. An excellent opportunity for more in depth conversations and networking amongst the participants and with the mentors! Tuesday evening saw everybody gathering at PML for the poster presentations. Many excellent posters were on display, and congratulations go to Dr Birgit Obermueller for winning the first prize, and Helena Reinardy and Teresa Silva for runner up prizes!
Photos of the workshop are now online in the UKPN photo gallery!
A truly successful event was made possible thanks to the support from many sides. We thank all the speakers and mentors for their help, time and effort, and our sponsors for financial support.