"Bridging the Gap: Indigenous, Social and Natural Science Perspectives on Research Relationships in Nordic Countries"
Wednesday, 23 October 2013 at 17 GMT
Presented by:
- Gail Fondahl, President of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association, University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Canada
- Gunhild Rosqvist, Tarfala Research Station, Stockholm University, Sweden
During the webinar we will also share indigenous perspectives about science communication followed by a discussion and Question and Answer session.
The webinar is intended to highlight the main communication challenges faced by natural scientists, as well as social scientists, in their community-based research efforts. As well, it seeks to highlight Indigenous perspectives on how to open a successful dialogue and begin to overcome challenges.
In this webinar, you will be introduced to the fundamental issues that can hinder cross-communication between social scientists, natural scientists and members of indigenous communities in Nordic regions. When communication is compromised, relevant knowledge and evidence from indigenous sources can be left out of scientific considerations, and the validity of findings can be compromised in turn. Climate change is a problem that impacts us all, so it is essential to start working together to find solutions we can share.
To reserve your webinar seat go to: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/189479544
Upcoming webinars:
This is just the first of a series on webinars on this topic. To view a full list of upcoming webinars go to the Project's webpage.