Association of Polar Early Career Scientists



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Mentor Database

Konrad Steffen
Professor & Director
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
  • Atmosphere and Climate
ice sheet mass balance, Arctic climatology
  • Alpine
  • Both Polar Regions

Dr. Konrad (Koni) Steffen is the Director of the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL and a Professor in Climate and Cryosphere at the Institute for Atmosphere and Climate at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (ETH) in Zürich, Switzerland. He is responsible for vital instrumentation deployed in the Arctic to help us monitor the significant changes taking place on the Greenland Ice Sheet.  Without his work, human knowledge of Arctic climate, warming, and melting dynamics would be substantially diminished. He has led field expeditions to the Greenland ice sheet, to Antarctica, and other Polar Regions for the past 35 years to measure the dynamic response of ice masses under a warming climate. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed papers and 10 book chapters. The last 24 years he spent at the University of Colorado and led the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) before returning to his homeland in July 2012.

  • Mentor Panels
    These panels are held at major international conferences and are coordinated by
    APECS members. Participation involves a 2-3 hour commitment on the day
    of the panel meeting.

  • In-person meetings/conferences/seminars
  • American Geophysical Union
  • SCAR Open Science Conferences
  • AGU Chapman Conferences
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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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