Association of Polar Early Career Scientists



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Mentor Database

Audrey Giles
Associate Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Human Kinetics
University of Ottawa
613 562-5800 x 2988
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Human and Social
Anthropology of Physical Activity & Health
physical activity, health, recreation, qualitative research
  • Arctic

I have fairly diverse research interests, though they all relate to the North in some way: Aboriginal peoples’ involvement in physical practices, in particular, menstrual traditions associated with Indigenous women’s leisure activities; the Dene Games; the Arctic Winter Games; the NWT Aquatics Program, the notion of gender equity and its impact on sport and recreation policy in Northern communities; contested understandings of ‘tradition’; cross-cultural examinations of understandings of gender, gender equity, and notions of leisure; feminist poststructuralism; community health; qualitative research methods and methodologies.

  • Mentor Panels
    These panels are held at major international conferences and are coordinated by
    APECS members. Participation involves a 2-3 hour commitment on the day
    of the panel meeting.

  • Career Development Presentations
    Short presentations at conferences/workshops with a question/answer period.

  • Career Development Workshop Sessions
    Helping in the coordination and facilitation of sessions at major conferences

  • One-on-One Mentoring
    Email correspondence with APECS members regarding career advice (including
    alternative careers in polar/cryospheric issues), research skills, data
    management and occasional research-specific discussions/questions.

  • Participation in live online discussions
    This will be advertised to all APECS members and will be facilitated by an
    APECS Council or Executive Committee Member. Transcripts will be
    posted online for future reference.

  • Reviewing Resumes/CVs and Assisting with Cover Letter Development.

  • Assisting with proposal development

  • Reviewing papers and posters

  • Helping to improve presentation and communication skills

  • Other
  • In-person meetings/conferences/seminars
  • Online seminars
  • Telephone/Skype conversations
  • Email Exchange
  • IM/Chat
  • Northern Research Forum Assemblies
  • Other
Sure, include me in your list online

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

Our Sponsors

APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events