Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Mentor Database

Bob Baxter
Associate Professor (Reader)
Durham University
United Kingdom
  • Terrestrial
Plant-soil-atmosphere interactions
arctic tundra, taiga, heterogeneity, scaling, fire
  • Arctic
  • Alpine
Terrestrial plant ecologist and physiologist with over 30 years experience working in arctic and alpine environments as well as the boreal forest. Past studies have included measurement of carbon and energy exchange over heterogeneous tundra and associated upscaling. Tundra-taiga ecotone changes, boreal fire impacts, using ecological, physiological, eddy correlation and remote sensing approaches.
  • Mentor Panels
    These panels are held at major international conferences and are coordinated by
    APECS members. Participation involves a 2-3 hour commitment on the day
    of the panel meeting.

  • One-on-One Mentoring
    Email correspondence with APECS members regarding career advice (including
    alternative careers in polar/cryospheric issues), research skills, data
    management and occasional research-specific discussions/questions.

  • Reviewing Resumes/CVs and Assisting with Cover Letter Development.

  • Reviewing papers and posters

  • Helping to improve presentation and communication skills

  • In-person meetings/conferences/seminars
  • Online seminars
  • Telephone/Skype conversations
  • Email Exchange
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Arctic Science Summit Week
Sure, include me in your list online

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

Our Sponsors

APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events