Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Maybe you are going to a conference, but you want to plan something extra so you can meet new colleagues or get some additional feedback on your work. Planning a side event at a conference such as a discussion panel, or side meeting can take a little work before the conference, but often gives big rewards. Here we give some tips on things to keep in mind when planning a panel.

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© Deniz Vural, Jilda Caccavo, MariamaDryak, Cynthia Sassenroth, Matias Ricardo (left to right) 

Organizing panels or workshops conferences are some of APECS's most frequent activities. They are a very useful way for early career researchers to gain career advice, share their research and to meet some great senior researchers and mentors. And the good thing about them: they are very easy to organize on a low budget!

Every APECS member can organize a panel / workshop at a conference and this guide will provide the organizers with step-by-step introduction on how to do it!

APECS panels / workshops aim to create fora where participants have the opportunity to meet established polar experts from various fields and other early career researchers, in order to draw inspiration and advice from their experience. This will create an informal venue for participants to make contacts and become actively involved in discussions throughout the conference and beyond.

So how do I get started? Some of the basic questions you have to ask yourself are:

  • Are the conference organizers interested in having an APECS panel / workshop?
  • What should be the topic of the panel / workshop?
  • How long should the panel / workshop be?
  • Where and when can the panel / workshop occur (time / room)?
  • Whom could I invite as panelists / speakers?
  • How do I advertise the panel / workshop?
  • Do I need to do fundraising?

What are the steps to organizing an APECS Panel / Workshop?


And here a few additional advice for your planning:


Here are some email drafts that you can use when planning your panel. Please note! These are just outlines, and should only be used as a guide to get you started- you should try to tailor your letter specifically to who you are sending it to, and what goals you aim to achieve by holding this panel.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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