Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


nsf logoSwedish Polar Secretariat mobile highres logoiasc webnorden logoapecs logo webCulminating the APECS Nordic Project, “Bridging Early Career Researchers and Indigenous Peoples in Nordic Countries” was a 2-day in person workshop entitled “Connecting Early Career Researchers and Community Driven Research in the North” that was held at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) , and Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) in Helsinki, Finland, 7-8 April, 2014.

The APECS Nordic Workshop brought together approximately 60 key stakeholders including mentors and experts and Early Career Researchers and Indigenous peoples, youth and local expert representatives among indigenous peoples, senior scientists, key representatives of international organizations and other media. APECS worked closely with existing partners such as IASC, Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples’ Secretariat and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat to identify and invite workshop participants and mentors. Travel funding to attend the Workshop was available through various sponsors.

The 2-day workshop included plenary sessions, breakout sessions, panel discussions, and group work. The goal of the workshop was to discuss and develop materials that educate and inform about the interactions between ECRs and Indigenous peoples in Nordic regions. 

APECS Norden Workshop a success in Helsinki, Finland

APECSNordenGroupThe APECS Norden Workshop in Helsinki, Finland was a success. From 7-8 April 2014, over 50 early career scientists, mentors and indigenous researchers gathered at the University of Helsinki and Finnish Meteorological Institute to be a part of the APECS Nordic Workshop, Connecting Early Career Researchers and Community Driven Research in the North”.

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APECS Finland Sauna during ASSW 2014

APECS Finland Sauna 2014 1 smallThe Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) took place in Helsinki from the 5-11th of April 2014. As part of that conference, APECS organized a workshop on 7 - 8 April on the interaction between scientist and indigenous people in the Arctic.

The APECS Finland National Committee organized a social event for workshop participants, mentors and other interested ASSW participants in the evening of the 7 April. And being in Finland...what else could it be than something related to Sauna. After the official ASSW welcome and reception in the City Hall of Helsinki, about 40 people went cross town to experience this nice side of Finland's culture.

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Workshop Sponsors

APECS is grateful for the generous support of several sponsor that provided a limited amout of workshop participants with Travel Awards to attend the "Connecting Early Career Researchers and Community-Driven Research in the North".  Here is a bit more about our Travel Award sponsors:

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

Our Sponsors

APECS Directorate Sponsor
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