APECS Quarterly Newsletter - February 2015

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ASSOCIATION OF POLAR EARLY CAREER SCIENTISTS                                                               WEBSITE

apecs logo1 February 2015 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER   
  In this Issue
  From the President

  From the Director

  APECS News

  Partner News

  Polar News

  Job opportunities



Abstracts for "New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences, 16 Feb.

Fullbright Arctic Initiative applications for United States scholars, 16 Feb.

Early-bird registration for ASSW 2015/ISAR-4/ICARP III, Toyama, Japan, 28 Feb. 28 Feb.

Proposals to ICOP 2016, 1 Apr.

Applications for SCAR and COMNAP Fellowships, 3 Jun.




APECS Webinar: Interview Techniques, 16 Feb.

Polar Marine Science Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), 14 Mar.

APECS Netherlands     at Pool tot Pool, 14 Mar.

"New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences"   international online   conference, 16 Mar.

Workshop on the Dynamics and Mass   Budget of Arctic Glaciers and the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting, 23 Mar.

ASSW 2015, ISAR-4, and ICARP III Symposium, 23-27   Apr. 

APECS Workshop: "The Goals of ICARP III - the future of Arctic research from the perspective of early career researchers, 26 Apr.

APECS World Summit: "The Future of Polar Research,   6 Jun.
















































































































New APECS website released

apecs web15APECS is proud to announce the launch of its new website! Thank you to our partner the Arctic Portal for working with us to develop and set up this new website and for continuing to host it. A special thank you also to the team from the APECS leadership and the APECS Canada Board that worked many, many hours over the last few weeks and months to help update and post our website content to the new website! We have streamlined and updated the layout so that you can quickly find the information you are looking for. New features include: a searchable database of APECS webinars, a searchable database of virtual posters by APECS members, a listing of duties requiring volunteers, a searchable listing of upcoming events, and a social media feed. Click the "More" link below to learn more.


Upcoming APECS workshop at ASSW 2015

assw2015APECS will be organizing a workshop on "Goals of ICARP III – the future of Arctic research from the perspective of early career researchers" in Toyama, Japan in conjunction with the ASSW 2015 / ISAR-4 / ICARP III conference on Sunday 26 April 2015. This workshop aims to help early career researchers develop skills necessary for work and collaboration in the international and interdisciplinary area of polar research. It will also aim to identify the state of current knowledge and challenges associated with integrating Arctic systems and, most importantly, presenting novel ideas for future priorities of Arctic Research beyond its regional variability and across different research fields. A preliminary workshop agenda is available here. If you want to attend the workshop, please fill out the workshop registration form before 1 April 2015


IASC Fellows 2015-2016

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), together with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), have the pleasure to announce the start of the second edition of the IASC Fellowship Program. The IASC Fellows 2015-2016 are: Jo Browse, University of Leeds, UK (Atmosphere WG); Robert Way, University of Ottawa, Canada (Cryosphere WG); Kristina Brown, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA (Marine WG); Adrian Vlakhov, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia (Social and Human WG); and Josefine Lenz, University of Potsdam and Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany (Terrestrial WG). More information about the IASC Fellowship Program can be found here.


APECS workshop at Arctic Frontiers 2015

Arctic Frontiers APECS Workshop 2015APECS collaborated with Arctic Frontiers and the High North Academy to hold a Science Communication and Media Training Workshop on 20 January 2015 at the Arctic Frontiers conference 2015 held in Tromsø, Norway. The workshop was open to attendees from Tromsø as well as participants of the Arctic Frontiers conference. The four-hour workshop included a series of presenters to discuss how scientists can communicate their work more effectively to journalists and non-scientific audiences, as well as using the tools available in social media. Special thanks go to Katrin Leinweber (University of Konstanz, Germany), Tom Fries (Arctic Council Secretariat, Norway), Karoline Bælum (Svalbard Science Forum), Malin Avenius (Freelance Science Journalist, Sweden), Tom Yulsman (University of Colorado, USA) and Susan Moran (freelance print journalist and a host/producer of KGNU radio's science show, How On Earth , USA). 


Arctic Frontiers Science for Schools 2015

Science for SchoolsThe Science for Schools event was held as a side meeting to the Arctic Frontiers 2015 conference in Tromsø, Norway from 20-22 January 2015. Held at Nordnorsk Vitensenter Tromsø, the Science for Schools event invited young international scientists  to give science lectures to high school students in Tromsø and shared their experience and personal insight as scientists in polar fields. Topics the lecturers discussed included thawing permafrost, the Northern Lights, algae growing under sea ice, and phytoplankton.


Arctic Frontiers 2015 Poster Awards

nansen awardAPECS organized the Nansen Awards for best posters of early scientists at the Arctic Frontiers 2015 conference in Tromsø, Norway. The winners of the awards this year included: Overall winner: Andrian Vlakhov (European University at St. Petersburg); Part 1-Arctic Climate Change: Pär Jansson (UiT); Part 2-Winners and losers in future Arctic marine ecosystems: Christian Katlein (AWI), and Part 3-The Arctic's role in the global energy supply and security: Alia L. Khan (University of Colorado). Click the "More" link below to learn more about the awards and the winners.


APECS Executive Committee (2014-2015) in-person meeting


The APECS Executive Committee (ExCom) met in-person in Trondheim, Norway from 29 November - 1 December, 2014 ). to discuss the most relevant organizational questions and needs of APECS. These seven young enthusiasts (five ExCom members, the APECS director, and one ex-oficio member) worked hard for three days and created a basis for the future of the APECS, including organization priorities, strategy, partnerships, current and prospective projects, future plans and budget.


The 2014 APECS Canada-ASA mentor award goes to Dr. Eric Dewailly (1957-2014)

mentor awardThe late Dr. Éric Dewailly posthumously received the APECS Canada-ArcticNet Student Association Award 2014. Dr. Éric Dewailly, a professor at Laval University, was tragically killed in a rock slide on Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean in the summer of 2014. His nomination stood out from all six excellent submissions. Three former trainees of Éric, Drs. Melanie Lemire, Mylene Riva and Michel Lucas accepted the award on his behalf during the ArcticChange2014 meeting banquet on Thursday, 11 December 2014. Award Committee Chair Dr. Nikolaus Gantner (APECS Canada) and Rudy Riedlsperger (ArcticNet SA) introduced the awardee to the 1,000+ delegates. You can learn more about Éric’s life and accomplishments here. Nominations are now open for the 2015 mentor award.


Announcing US APECS National Committee


The USAPECS national committee formed following an informal meeting of several APECS members and representatives held during the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. This national committee serves as the uniting organization for several regional committees (i.e. Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, Mountain West) and was formed in order to better serve the members of APECS located in the United States. In addition to developing an organizational framework and seeking out mentors, in the next year, US APECS would like to (1) organize an annual field safety school open to polar early career scientists that are unable to receive sufficient field safety training by other means and (2) host several webinars designed as introductory lectures for researchers outside the field so that science is more effectively communicated across disciplines. If you are interested in getting involved, please send an e-mail  to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. More information is available here.


APECS Online Conference: New perspectives in the Polar Sciences - Call for Abstracts

APECS webinar organizers announce a call for abstracts for our International Online Conference, “New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences,” which is scheduled for 16 March 2015. This conference will engage scientific dialogues between polar early career scientists from multiple disciplines and backgrounds on new research perspectives in their field of research. APECS welcomes abstracts submitted by early career scientists so that they may gain invaluable experience presenting their research projects to the public. There will be a $300 prize awarded for best presentation. See here for the session themes and abstract submission guidelines. Abstracts must be emailed to Rachel Downey by 16 February 2015.


APECS-AGU 2014 Career Development Panel Discussion and Pub Meetup Event Summary

The APECS-AGU 2014 panel event at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2014 in San Francisco provided professional career development advice and guidance for attendees at all stages of their career. The panelists included (from left to right in the photo) 
Dr. Hedy Edmonds (NSF Arctic Natural Sciences Program Director), Dr. Lora Koenig (National Snow and Ice Data Center), Dr. Lonnie Thompson (Distinguished Professor at Ohio State University), and Dr. Christopher Polanshenski (Research Geophysicist at CRREL and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College). Click the "More link" below for details from the panel discussion.


2014 Seasons Greetings

Slide Christmas Video 2014APECS had again a very successful year in 2014 and we wanted to thank all of our members, mentors, partners and sponsors for continuing to help us shape the future polar research! Enjoy some of our best moments of 2014 in our APECS Season's Greetings video.  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of you! We are looking forward to an amazing year in 2015!


APECS Annual Report 2013-2014 released

2013 2014 Annual Report TitleAPECS has released its annual report for the period of October 2013 to September 2014! It includes: the report about APECS in 2013-2014; news and event hightlights from 2013-2014; Norwegian highlights; reports about APECS projects, webinars and research features; education and outreach highlights; news from the APECS National Committees; and news from some of the APECS Sponsors and Partners. The full report can be accessed here or in our APECS publications database. A special thank you goes to the Norwegian Research Council, the UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the Norwegian Polar Institute for supporting and hosting the APECS International Directorate in Tromsø! Our success would not be possible without your support and commitment to APECS. Thank you also to the many dedicated members and mentors who volunteered their time over the past year to help us achieve continued success in shaping the future of polar research!


APECS at the ICARP III Steering Group meeting from 11-12 November 2014 in Potsdam, Germany

Representatives of the member institutions of the Steering Committee met from 11-12 November 2014 in Potsdam, Germany to discuss the current status of the ICARP III events and activities of the various partners. APECS contributed: (1) workshops and webinars aimed at informing early career researchers about ICARP III and the contributions of IASC and ICARP III partners, and (2) the "Where are they now?" project, which will work to follow up what has happened to the early career researchers (ECRs) that have received support from IASC during the IPY and beyond with the goal to find ways to further enhance the engagement of APECS and IASC in the support and training of ECRs. Click the "More" link below to learn more about ICARP III and the Steering Group meeting.


APECS NL Symposium, 4 November 2014, Groningen, Netherlands

The APECS Netherlands Symposium was a very successful gathering of 30 people at the Arctic Center in Groningen, Netherland on 4 November. The Symposium consisted of interesting and inspiring presentations by Dr. Greg Poelzer (International Centre for Northern Governance, University of Saskatchewan), Jorden Splinter (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Dr. Annette Scheepstra (Willem Barentsz Polar Institute). APECS participants discussed topics ranging from long tailed skuas  to the archaeology of Jan Mayen. Click the "More" link below to learn more about this Symposium.


Fifth APECS Portugal Workshop

apecs portugal logoAPECS Portugal organized its fifth Workshop of Career Development in Porto, Portugal on 30 October 2014. The workshop theme was "APECS Portugal: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” and was organized into three segments. During the “Yesterday” segment, participants learned about the motivations behind the birth of APECS-Portugal. The “Today” segment was dedicated to discussions  about the opportunities for young scientists provided by APECS Portugal and APECS International, and the outcomes of their educational projects during previous Polar Weeks. The “Tomorrow” segment was enhanced by the presence of a panel of discussion with our guests to help establish our future goals and provided us with valuable tips towards a successful career development.  Special thanks go to Dr. Gerlis Fugmann (Executive Director of APECS International), Professor Holger Hintelmann (Canadian Arctic Program) and Iglika Trifonova, Denitsa Apostolova and Desislava Petkova-Peneva (APECS Bulgaria).


Arctic Snow Cover Workshop in Copenhagen, Denmark

snow meetingLudovic Brucker, Stine Højlund Pedersen, and Heather Mariash were selected to participate in the "Arctic Snow Cover Changes and their Consequences" workshop that was held in Copenhagen from 16-17 October 2014. This workshop was devoted to providing updates on current monitoring programs of Arctic snow cover. In addition, there were brainstorming sessions to identify key topics for future research and new schemes for monitoring, collecting, modeling, and assessing the ecological impacts of Arctic snow cover. Special thanks go to IASC- INTERACT - CLiC- AMAP- GEO for supporting this event.


Polar Week Fall 14 running high in Portugal

APECS Portugal celebrated Polar Week from 28 September - 5 October 2014. This event was devoted entirely to bringing polar science to the general public and the classroom. A total of 45245 students, 147 teachers and 13 scientists and educators from Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Chile, USA and UK came together to share knowledge and experiences, as well as discussing emerging issues. Polar Week was coordinated by APECS Portugal and Polar Educators International, along with the endorsement of the Portuguese Polar Program (PROPOLAR).


APECS-Brasil Symposium: Integrating the scientific community from pole to pole

APECS at the AMAP working group meeting

Announcing the APECS Leadership for 2014-2015

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From the President


Dr. J.S. Moore

Happy New Year!! The ExCom had its annual in-person meeting in the beautiful town of Trondheim, Norway in December. It was a very productive meeting. One of the big new thing to look out for in 2015 is the launch of our new website. The new version of the website includes all the tools you currently enjoy, but with a brand new look and increased user-friendliness. We hope you like it! Another cool event that occupied our time at the in person meeting was the discussion of the APECS world summit that will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, in June. Finally, we also discussed an upcoming organizational review. APECS is now eight years old, and we decided it was time to thoroughly evaluate our programs to make sure that we are meeting our organization’s objectives and our members’ needs. This review will allow us to gain feedback from the community (yes, that’s you!) and will provide an important resource for the preparation of a strategic plan, also planned for 2015. So it will be another busy year at APECS, and we are looking forward to working with all of you!

From the Director


Dr. Gerlis Fugmann

The beginning of 2015 has been very busy in our APECS International Directorate in Tromsø, Norway. We finalized our brand new APECS website together with our partner the Arctic Portal in Iceland and released it last week. Hopefully this will make it easier for all of our members and partners to find all the great resources APECS has to offer and take advantage of them.

The Arctic Frontiers 2015 Conference was in January in Tromsø, and APECS contributed with a number of events and activities. We held a very successful three-day Science for Schools Event together in partnership with Arctic Frontiers and the Science Centre of Northern Norway (Nordnorsk Vitensenteret). In addition, APECS organised a Science Communication and Media Training Workshop in cooperation with the High North Academy in Tromsø. Last but certainly not least, APECS helped organize the Arctic Frontiers Early Career Poster Awards, to recognise and reward the great science presented by the early career researchers attending Arctic Frontiers. Thank you for all the mentors, presenters, poster judges and members that helped during these events.

For the Norwegian highlight of this newsletter, I want to draw your attention to the Norwegian Young sea ICE cruise (N-ICE2015), led by our partner and sponsor the Norwegian Polar Institute. The RV Lance headed North from Tromsø to Svalbard in early January to start its 6-month cruise in the drift ice North of Svalbard. The primary objective of the project is "to understand the effects of the new thin, first year, sea ice regime in the Arctic on energy flux, ice dynamics and the ice associated ecosystem, the local and global climate. Secondary objectives: Understand how available ocean heat is mixed upwards towards the sea ice and to what extent it influences the sea ice energy budget. Understand the fate of solar radiation incident on the first-year sea ice in the region and how its fate is affected by properties of the atmosphere, snow, ice, and ocean. Quantification of the changing mass balance of Arctic sea ice and its snow cover. Model the dynamics of the drifting ice. Understand the ice associated ecosystem and model future changes. Effects on local and global weather systems."

You can read more about the project here  and follow their weekly blog or follow them on Instagram and Twitter with #NICE2015Arctic.

  About the International Directorate Top

Partner News

SCAR and COMNAP Antarctic Research Fellowships 2015 and CCAMLR Scientific Scholarships 2015

scar comnap

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes (COMNAP) and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) are currently accepting applications for their 2015 fellowships and scholarships for early career resarchers. The SCAR and COMNAP fellowships are worth up to USD $15,000 each and up to six fellowships will be offered. The fellowships enable early career researchers to join a project team from another country, opening up new opportunities and often creating research partnerships that last many years and over many Antarctic research seasons. The deadline for SCAR and COMNAP applications is 3 June 2015. The CCAMLR Scholarship provides funding of up to AUD $30,000 to assist early career scientists to participate in the work of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee and its working groups over a period of two years. The deadline for CCAMLR applications is 1 October 2015.


2015 IASC Medal Awarded to Dr. Jacqueline Grebmeier

Jaqueline Grebmeier 2014IASC is pleased to announce that the 2015 IASC Medal, which is awarded in recognition of exceptional and sustained contributions to the understanding of the Arctic, goes to Dr. Jacqueline Grebmeier. The IASC Medal Committee reviewed the nominations received and unanimously decided to honor Jacqueline Grebmeier for her exceptional contributions to the understanding of Arctic benthic ecology and marine ecosystem dynamics, her pioneering work interpreting geochemical and stable isotope measurements in sediments, her commitment to the establishment of long-term observatories through international collaboration, and her outstanding leadership and mentorship within the Arctic science community. She will receive the 2015 IASC Medal from the President of IASC during the Arctic Science Summit Week 2015 in Toyama (Japan). The award ceremony will include a short introduction by the President and a 30 minute lecture by the awardee. To learn more about Dr. Grebmeier and her work, click here.


2015 Muse Prize Open for Nominations

The "Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica" is a US$ 100,000 unrestricted award presented to an individual in the fields of Antarctic science or policy who has demonstrated potential for sustained and significant contributions that will enhance the understanding and/or preservation of Antarctica. The Prize is inspired by Martha T. Muse's passion for Antarctica and is intended to be a legacy of the International Polar Year 2007-2008. The prize-winner can be from any country and work in any field of Antarctic science or policy. The goal is to provide recognition of the important work being done by the individual and to call attention to the significance of understanding Antarctica in a time of change. A website with further details, including the process of nomination, closing date and criteria for selecting the Prize recipients is available here. Nominations close on 13 May 2015.

New International Polar Challenge Launched - Under the Sea-Ice

The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) is launching a Polar Challenge to reward the first team able to send an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for a 2000km mission under the sea-ice in the Arctic or Antarctic. The ultimate aim is to demonstrate a sorely-needed monitoring tool for the Polar regions to expand scientific research capabilities and climate services in both the Arctic and Antarctic. The WCRP hopes the competition will promote technological innovation towards a future cost-effective, autonomous and scalable observing network for ice-covered ocean regions based on a fleet of such platforms, similar to what ARGO, a global network of more than 3,500 free-drifting floats has accomplished for the open ocean.

11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP 2016)

icop2016The call for session proposals for the 11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP 2016) in Potsdam, German from 20-24 June 2016 is now open. Proposals will be accepted until 1 April 2015. The Alfred Wegener Institute has teamed up with UP Transfer GmbH and the University of Potsdam to organize this conference for permafrost researchers. Specifically, the conference aims at covering all relevant aspects of permafrost research, engineering and outreach on a global and regional level. The conference website, containing all relevant information, is now online and will be updated on a regular basis. If you wish to get all conference updates, please subscribe to our newsletter on the website. The newsletter will replace circulars. For more information, please click the "More" link below.


A Quarter Century of International Arctic Research Cooperation

iascIn light of its 25th anniversary this year, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is pleased to present a comprehensive publication on its history from the planning process in the late 1980s until today. Printed as a special issue of the IASC yearbook, the publication compiles and analyzes the history and development of IASC and its initiatives and achievements. A collection of historical documents, a film and a brochure presenting a timeline of the most important events in the development of IASC in the last quarter of a century complement the publication.The book "IASC After 25 Years,“ edited by Odd Rogne, Volker Rachold, Louwrens Hacquebord and Robert Corell, as well as the supporting documents are now available on the IASC History Website which is kindly hosted by the Arctic Portal. Printed copies of the publication will be available at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2015 in Toyama, Japan.


The International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conference 2015

igu moscowThe International Geographical Union (IGU) will meet in Moscow from 17-21 August 2015 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU). This will provide geographers from around the world an opportunity to discuss global changes in light of current political-environmental challenges. The conference theme is “Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth.” The deadline for abstract submissions is approaching. For more information please check the conference's website. You can also download the flyer for the conference.


N/ICE2015 expedition

n iceThe #NICE2015Arctic expedition, led by the Norwegian Polar Institute, started in Longyearbyen, Svalbard the week of 12 January. The research vessel Lance will be frozen into first year sea ice north of Svalbard, with an ice camp to be deployed near the ship. A broad range of observations will be carried out by Norwegian and international collaborators during the drift to better undertsand processes in the ocean, ice and atmosphere and ongoing Arctic change. Find out more about this campaign here. Follow hashtag #NICE2015Arctic for real-time updates from the expedition. News will come from the accounts of the Norwegian Polar Institute and from its Oceans and Sea Ice Group (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.


Applications open: Juneau Icefield Research Program 2015

jifThe Juneau Icefield Research Program (JIRP) provides an expeditionary learning experience for upper level high school, undergraduate and graduate students. During the 8-week expedition, students traverse the 75-mile distance across the Juneau Icefield participating in long-running surveys of glacier dynamics and mass balance, state-of-the-art scientific research, academic lectures, and independent research projects. Apply Today! The cost of the 8-week program is $5,970, including all transportation, food, lodging, and instruction following arrival in Juneau, Alaska. Participants are responsible for transportation to and from Juneau. Some scholarships are available. For more information, please contact Dr. Jeff Kavanaugh.

IACS 2015 Early Career Scientist Prize

The IACS Early Career Scientist Prize is an annual cash prize of €1000 awarded to a nominated early career scientist who is assessed as having published the best scientific paper on a cryosphere-related subject during the previous calendar year. IACS now welcomes nominations of scientific papers satisfying the eligibility criteria (see guidelines here). Please submit nomination packages by 13 February 2015 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line labeled as "IACS: 2015 ECS Prize". The Selection Committee will announce the winner late-March 2015 and the 2015 Prize will be formally presented during the IACS Plenary Administrative Session at the XXVI IUGG General Assembly in Prague in June 2015.


SCAR and COMNAP Fellowship recipients announced for 2014-2015

scar comnapThe Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Program (COMNAP) are pleased to announce their 2014 fellowship recipients. The SCAR Fellowships were awarded to: Jaimie Cleeland (Australia), Camila Negrão Signori (Brazil), Fiona Shanhun (New Zealand) and Manoj M.C. (India). The COMNAP Fellowships are awarded to: Sandra Potter (Australia) and Keith Soal (South Africa). These fellowships are worth up to US$
15,000 each. Click the "More" link below to learn more about the winners and the research they will be conducting.


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Polar News

70th Anniversary of the Arctic Institute of North America Photo Contest

The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) is turning 70 in 2015 and invites the Arctic community to be a part of the celebration! Through 31 October 2015, AINA will be running a 70th anniversary photo contest. Help illustrate the magnificent beauty of the Arctic by submitting photos for the chance to be featured on the cover of the December 2015 issue of ARCTIC, a journal with a long legacy of publishing the latest in northern research, events, people, and places. The submission deadline is 31 October 2015. Full contest information can be found here.


Fulbright Arctic Initiative

fulbright logoThe Fulbright Scholars Program welcomes applications for the Fullbright Arctic Initiative. This programme will bring together a network of scholars, professionals and applied researchers from the United States, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia and Sweden to engage in collaborative thinking, analysis, problem-solving and multi-disciplinary research in one of four areas: Energy, Water, Health, and Infrastructure. The deadline for international applicants is 2 February 2015 and 16 February 2015 for US scholars. For more information on how to apply and eligibility requirements, please visit thiswebsite or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Job Opportunities
Job Title Closing date
Senior Ocean Modeller 10 Feb
Lecturer in Physical Geography 11 Feb
PhD research - Modeling of Interactions Between Waves and Sea Ice 13 Feb
Post Doc position, alternatively PhD, in marine ecology (Mrk. 21-14) 15 Feb
PhD student position in Arctic Ocean magnetostratigraphy 15 Feb
Executive Director, ARCUS 18 Feb
Science Director, Alaska SeaLife Center 20 Feb
Post Doc- seasonal sea ice forecasting 23 Feb
Cryosphere System Modeller  23 Feb
Paleo Ice Sheet Modeller  23 Feb
Post doc- Mesopelagic ecology  23 Feb
Sea Ice Microbial Physiologist  23 Feb
Ice Sheet Modeller  23 Feb
Antarctic Coastal Ocean Modeller  23 Feb
Antarctic Geophysicist  23 Feb
Post doc - Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasting 23 Feb
PhD research - "Predicting Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution using models and observational data" 1 Mar
Postdoctoral research fellow in snow physics 1 Mar
PhD students - Antarctic ice-sheet modelling 1 Mar
Full/Associate professor in Boundary Layer Meteorology 1 Mar
Senior software developer-oceanographic and wave models 3 Mar
PhD or MSc student - carbon cycling in Arctic coastal marine environments  15 Mar
PhD student - sea ice-ocean modelling in Hudson Bay, Canada 15 Mar 
PhD or MSc student - biogeochemical tracers in Arctic coastal marine environments  15 Mar
Post Doc - Northern climate change modelling  15 Mar
Post Doc - Hg cycling in Arctic coastal marine environments  15 Mar
Executive Director, SEARCH  15 Mar

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 The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists - http://www.apecs.is

APECS Newsletter ISSN 1892-400X
Created and edited by Dr. Adam T. Naito
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions, comments, or to contribute content