Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS Webinars

Effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, landscapes, society and indigenous peoples
Dorothee Ehrich (1), Alma Tuestad (2), John-André Henden (3), Helene Amundsen (4), Philipp Semenchuk (5)
(1) Researcher, University of Tromsø

(2) Archaeologist, The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU)

(3) Post Doc, University of Tromsø

(4) Research Fellow, The Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo (CICERO)

(5) PhD student, University of Tromsø

Changes in Northern terrestrial ecosystems will be highly relevant to society, in particular for agriculture, forestry, reindeer herding and nature-based industries, species and area conservation, tourism and recreation. Issues related to climate adaptation in the North, as well the significance of climate change for Sámi culture and settlement will be included this flagship. Effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, landscapes, societies and indigenous peoples Dorothee Ehrich | Researcher, University of Tromsø Monitoring cultural heritage sites in Northern Norway - effects of regrowth and shrub expansion Alma Tuestad | Archaeologist, The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) Effects of increased reindeer abundance - An ecosystem approach John-André Henden | Post Doc, University of Tromsø Adaptive capacity to climate change in local land-based activities in Northern Norway Helene Amundsen | Research Fellow, The Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo (CICERO) Ecosystem responses to snowfences in Adventdalen, Svalbard: A quick overview Philipp Semenchuk | PhD student, University of Tromsø

Research Presentations
  • Arctic
Fram Centre Webinars 2012-2013

Fram Centre logoThe Fram Centre is the short name for FRAM - High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment. The Fram Centre is based in Tromsø, and consists of about 500 scientists from 20 institutions involved in interdisciplinary research in the fields of natural science, technology and social sciences. Fram Centre members are: Akvaplan-niva, CICERO Centre for International Climate Environmental Research Oslo, Institute of Marine Research, National Coastal Administration, National Veterinary Institute, NGU - The Geological Survey of Norway, NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NINA - Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NIKU - Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research, Nofima - The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, NORUT - Northern Research Institute, Norwegian Polar Institute, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norwegian Mapping Authority, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, SINTEF Group, UNIS - The University Centre in Svalbard, University of Tromsø, and Polaria (associated member). More about Fram Centre at

The Fram Centre Webinars was a series of webinars organized by APECS with the support of the Fram Centre in fall and winter 2012-2013. They highlighted the Fram Centre itself as well as its five flagship research programs: (1) Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, technology and agreements, (2) Effects of climate change on sea and coastal ecology in the north, (3) Ocean acidification and ecosystems effects in Northern waters, (4) Effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, landscapes, society and indigenous peoples, (5) Hazardous substances – effects on ecosystems and human health.

In total, six webinars were organized, and introduced the Fram Centre Concept and its five flagship research programmes. The webinars were organized by Ingeborg  G. Hallanger (University of Tromsø, Norway), Alexey Pavlov (APECS International Directorate, University of Tromsø, Norway) and Angelika Renner (Norwegian Polar Institute, Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway). 

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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