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This Special Issue "Remote Sensing of Climatic and Environmental Changes over the Antarctic, Arctic, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" is seeking integrated research on climatic and environmental changes over the Three Poles, especially coupled processes and the teleconnection, synchronization, and asynchronization among regions, as well as the changes induced over other regions in the earth system.

Examples include but are not limited to the contradictive sea ice changes found in the Arctic and Antarctic; sea level rising due to the retreat of the Antarctic sheet, Greenland sheet and the glaciers; snow and ice albedo feedbacks; the freeze/thaw of permafrost and melting of snow and ice; and the spatio-temporal changes of vegetation in the Three Poles.

The Antarctic, Arctic, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP, the so-called Third Pole) have been undergoing unprecedented changes in climate and environment. Extensive research has been conducted either on single processes (such as the cryosphere, climate, hydrology, biogeoscience and ecosystems), or individual regions.

Integrated studies are essential and expected to advance our understanding on the potential linkage and interaction among the Three Poles. Remote sensing is capable to provide long-term observational data in large scale, which has great potential to investigate the Three Poles as an entirety.

The Special Issue will also facilitate cross-cutting research on data-model integration, interactions of multiple-spheres of the earth system, and the environmental changes in other regions induced by changes in the Three Poles. New methods/technologies, reviews and future perspectives are also encouraged for submission.

Guest Editors: Prof. Tao Che, Prof. Xinwu Li, Prof. Laurent Ferro-Famil

Special Issue Information:

"Remote Sensing of Climatic and Environmental Changes over the Antarctic, Arctic, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" 

Impact Factor: 3.406 (2017)

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2020

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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