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The SOOS/WCRP/ESA Workshop on Southern Ocean air-sea fluxes will be held in Frascati, Italy on 21-23 September 2015.

The workshop is motivated by a goal to improve air-sea flux estimates in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic marginal seas, though the issues addressed in the workshop will also have a global reach. We anticipate a 5-part agenda, with your presentation fitting into topic 3:
1. Science applications for air-sea flux estimates;
2. A brief review of challenges associated with existing flux products;
3. New opportunities that will enable forward progress (including in-situ observations, remote sensing, assimilation/modeling);
4. Workshop outcome #1: Defining requirements for essential climate variables and essential ocean variables for air-sea exchange;
5. Workshop outcome #2: Planning for a pilot observing system.

Details about the workshop, including a registration form, are posted on the SOOS website:

The abstract submission form will be available in the next day or so, and we ask (if possible) to have abstracts before June 30th. There is no registration fee for the workshop, but note that lunches and the conference dinner will be organized on a "no-host" basis. Participants are responsible for their own travel and hotel arrangements; please see the website for a hotel and taxi booking form.

We have a limited amount of travel funding available, intended primarily for early career scientists or investigators from developing countries. We encourage participants if possible to seek other sources of funding to support their participation. Travel grants can be requested as part of the abstract submission form. Abstracts received before June 30th will be considered for oral presentation, and travel grant requests also need to be submitted within this time frame.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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