Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

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New guidebook available!

APECS_Canada_Logo_web.jpgWe’re excited to be hosting a new webinar on Data Management Essentials presented by Gabrielle Alix (Data Manager) and Chantal Risdale (Project and Outreach Coordinator) from the Canadian Cryospheric Information Network/Polar Data Catalogue. This webinar is all about good data management practices and will be held on Thursday June 7th from 11:00-12:15 am EST/3:00-4:15 pm UTC.

Register for this webinar:

Title: Data Management Essentials

Abstract: Data Management is increasingly required by funding agencies in several nations around the world. Most researchers are familiar with this new requirement, but many do not know how to prepare data for archiving properly. CCIN/PDC has worked closely with the Polar data community in Canada and internationally to develop guidelines based on stakeholder feedback, as well as implementing data archiving for a number of Canadian national research programs, and so we are well positioned to help others understand and implement them effectively. This webinar will help students and researchers understand why data management is important, what the best practices are, how best to undertake it, as well as address concerns about sharing data. We believe that through education and training, data contributors are capable of attaining success through preparation proactively, rather than reactively.

Data Management CCIN PDC Webinar Poster.jpeg

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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